27 February 2013

hubs turned thirty!

yesterday was my sugarpie's thirtieth birthday.

 photo anjbdizzle_zpsa21915fe.jpg 
{thanks aunt libby, for the photo!}

for his birthday, he is taking a ski trip with some friends of his in a few weeks.
i surprised him with these magical personalized beer labels, with some help from our friend emma.
{thanks emma!}

 photo anjbdaycollage_zpsbde65809.jpg 
(i don't remember the site i used to design them, but you can google 'personalized beer labels')

we had a yummy meal at his parents' house,
complete with this magical chocolate cake.

 photo anjbday_zps6b8153a3.jpg

check out those magical candle flames!

have a happy wednesday, shugpies!


  1. aww, how cute. look at them knee socks.

  2. Love th pic. Happy Birfday to your husband.

  3. Sweet baby pic!

    I love the beer labels. Great work.

    I hope he had an awesome birthday!

  4. Bells on the shoes! Classic southern thing I swear! lol My parents wanted to do that to my child, I was like "Umm...No!" haha! Happy Birthday Anj!


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