06 February 2013

Turns out ...

... my IQ is like 12 when I'm off caffeine. I can't accomplish/remember/motivate myself to do shit - including things I sort of like, such as yoga, and writing on this blog. I did really well limiting caffeine up until last month where I just went cray and jumped on the DMD train full force, and now when I don't drink it? durrrrrrrrrrrr

... that I am irritated with Blog Land. I miss reading real posts, y'all. Lord knows, I don't have them everyday. But that's just it, if you don't have anything to say, don't write. I think part of the problem is people have paying sponsors, so they feel obligated to publish a certain number of times per week. And forced writing usually sucks. And to be honest, I am seriously considering deleting my button swap tab up there. I just don't want to deal with any "business" end of this blog. I just want to write and post pictures and make real, non-i'll-scratch-your-back-if-you-scratch-mine friends, you know? What are y'all's thoughts on this? And don't be confused, I'm not claiming that all my posts are mind-blowing. {Are any of them?} Ha! But - I'm saying that it seems like a lot of bloggers get more and more popular, and while that's happening, their writing seems totally different than it did when they started off. It's tricky to be true to yourself here in Blog Land ... what do y'all think?

... that my camera is also jackin' up my carpal tunnel. Ugh! This whole subject irritates me ... next.

... that God knew what He was doing. {As always, duh.} But, I also think that part of what He was doing was teaching me to just say it and stop subjecting myself to situations that piss me off and get on my very last nerve. You can't "fix" everything, but at the same time, there's no point in putting yourself through shit that's not even necessary.

... everybody's got somethin they are dealing with. And even if you think it's damn ridiculous that they react the way they do, you can at least be thankful that you aren't in their shoes and lookin' at life from their perspective, and that you are able to take something away from that. Being optimistic and seeing the upside to a situation is a gift.

... that I totally love this song:

Here's to hopin' I actually drag my ass to yoga.



  1. I don't have buttons on my blog. The farthest I've gone on the business end is participating in giveaways on my own or once as a part of someone's larger giveaway. I do that because I like to give and I like to win.

    I think sometimes people are throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks, and nothing is sticking. I also notice a lot of super popular blogs are repetitious.

    Crazy stressful work week means I haven't been to the gym ONCE. I have to get there tonight.

  2. I'm sorry WHERE is the gym again?? I haven't worked out either - I think its just been crazy everywhere.

  3. What I get tired of is once a good blog starts taking paid sponsors and then all they post about are the freaking people who sponsor them or the free products they were given. I don't mind a review every now and then but come on that is not why people started following the blog. I have never tried yoga. I think I would get stuck somehow.

  4. this whole blogosphere can get to be a litttttle much! i think we kind of all go through that phase where we get irritated with how competitive it can get and how unauthentic some seem to be. (the comments where they say 'come follow my blog' it annoys the shit out of me!) i think the only thing to do is just stay true to you :) blog for yourself and dont worry about the others. xo

  5. I am not an expert at this whole blogging stuff but I do agree with you- the more I click around the more I see the politic part of everything and not so much just a real person writing about their real thoughts everyday and it kinda gives me the creep outs. People feeling the need to be fake on the internet? Cue Brad Paisley..

  6. You are on point about the blog part! I was a terrible mood thanks to work on Monday and couldn't think of anything to post. So, I didn't! And it felt a lot better than writing something just to write it. Forced writing comes across very obvious in my opinion.

  7. Hey! I am trying to do better about REAL posts and not just link ups!

    This song makes me so happy. I listen to it 1400 times a day!

    WE (you&I) are going to workout tomorrow! NO EXCUSES ;)

  8. YES to the second one. Honestly, i just tend to skip the blogs who are "introducing" someone new, on their second link up for that day, or a review. That gets old quick. Really quick. I follow people because I care what they have to say. Period.

  9. I got sucked in once and paid for a sponsorship from a WELL KNOWN blogger, hinking I could make more friends in blogland. WRONG! I have yet to see anything that helped my blog as far as paying for that sponsorship! I didn't get what was promised! Buh-le-dat! Well I won't ever do that again! I have a button, I share it with my readers for just that. I use other bloggers buttons because I like them. That's what it should be all about. Not trying to make a dime!
    P.S. I LURVE me some Randy Houser! He puts so much passion into his songs!

  10. That my friend is why you do not see other blogs sponsoring my blog! I blog when I want, write when I have something to say. If I dont...I am fine with that and get to spend my evenings watching The Bachelor :)

  11. Yes, I paid 10 dollars once, and got some page views from it, but nothing real. I was hoping to make some connections with people, but that didn't happen. I agree being true to your voice is important... it inspired me to take a look at my blog and I was like damn, lots of link ups lately. Which is okay, but still. It didn't used to be that way. Gotta get into my head what's important.

    Get you a DMD and head to yoga, girl! It can be a treat :) Have a great weekend too.


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