10 April 2013

i almost have no words

clearly a school whose basketball uniforms involve argyle doesn't lack confidence, 
but this ad says more than i ever could.

if you want to get in badly enough, maybe you could make up some classes you didn't take, or turn in some essays that somebody else wrote. 
i hear they get down like that in chapel hill.

 okay, maybe that last bit was uncalled for.
but this ad is a bit much, tarheel lover or not.


  1. Well that sure makes me want to get my MBA there...NOT.

  2. Replies
    1. Gives Meredith a slow clap. "A Not Another Teen Movie" slow clap of epic proportions. This is after I hand over all my sweet tea and tell preach. But seriously, they sure know how to keep it classy.

  3. you already know how i feel about this. jerks.


Speak on it.