17 April 2013

life lately ... and thug kitchen

got a hankerin' here lately for some deviled eggs, y'all.

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a friend of mine has me hooked on these damn stephanie plum books by janet evanovich.
and, i checked the great gatsby out from la biblioteca. i read it in high school and remembered liking it. that's about all i remember about it.
me and the hubs rarely go to the movies, but this is one i look forward to. hope it doesn't disappoint.

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sometimes i get a little carried away takin' pics of reflections - be it water or pictures on the wall.
it's the little things.

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the water thing.
on a scale of 1-10, i give myself a 6.
and a half.

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these little worms are cute.
but annoying as hell when i'm tryin' to get my walk on.
and, yesterday at the store, i felt somethin' crawlin', and i grabbed it and looked at it. at first thought a booger had somehow landed on my neck. then i realized i had smushed one of these fellas on my skin, and screamed like a bitch.

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this is still. goin. on.
please let the owner of the plumbin' company who is here as we speak, be able to fix the continuous trickle of hot water comin' from our tub. 
third time's a charm?

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and lastly,
have y'all heard of thug kitchen?
if you love some veggie cookin', and some ummm ... non-traditional cooking blog dialog, then this is your place.
as long as you don't mind super frequent f-bombs.
this ain't no martha stuart kinda outfit.
stephanie, my yankee friend - she totally blogged about this shiz today as well.
great minds ...
{image below is from a carefully positioned screen shot}

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happy wednesday, 'lumps.


  1. you drink that water girl! i need to re-read the great gatsby too, i'm pretty sure i liked it then too! and oh a deviled egg made into a sandwich is a top favorite breakfast item.

  2. Thug Kitchen is HILARIOUS! I love it! Check you out drinking your water - good girl!! And Great Gatsby is one of ALL TIME favs!! I can't wait to see the new movie!

  3. i just got the great gatsby to re-read! i can't wait for the movie!

  4. I seriously love thug kitchen!!! It's some funny stuff!

  5. Thug Kitchen is the winner!

    I often take reflections photos too, but they don't come out super great.

    We don't go to the movies ever, and my ass will be in the seat Saturday morning the weekend it comes out for The Great Gatsby. I'm too cheap to go at night, plus I have something to do.


Speak on it.