08 April 2013


we celebrated our anniversary this weekend.
if you know us, you know i hate to dress up, and i think fancy dinners are stuffy and dull.
to those of you who love that kinda thing, party on.

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1 - flowers!
2 - @ home on thurs, our actual anniv//ps: whiskey helps pms back pain.
3 - cheerwine from penguin drive-in
4 - hubs & wife bevies
5 - got sick of the gf joint, so we went somewhere else where i fell off the gf wagon. #ilovebluemoon
6 - at the bar/family name
7 - such a sweet card
8 - plain tart with strawberries, pineapples, almonds & walnuts
9 - a gluten free pancake!

our weekend was hotdogs, burgers with bacon, onion ring & pimento cheese, cheerwine, diet coke, red bridge, guinness, the annoying sound of kids throwing a basketball at a sports bar, blue moon, menstrual emotional flare ups, coffee, huevos rancheros, a long nap, a sunday drive, 
knowing with 10000% certainty that i married a damn good one.

ps - charlotte peeps, have y'all seen the new "back in only" parking spaces around central avenue?
maybe i been livin under a rock, but my mind is blown.


  1. I love fancy dinners sometimes, but your weekend sounds amaaaazing :) Especially PENGUIN! Holy shit I'd forgotten about that place. Methinks we need some funnel cake fries, asap.

    Happy anniversary, y'all!

  2. Blue Moon, that sounds great~ I haven't had one in a long time! Looks like a great weekend!

    =) Brooke

  3. penguin fried pickles, yumm-a-licious. i love blue moons too and all other food you listed. seriously whiskey is the pain relief I've been looking for, i get the worse pms back pains....

  4. I hate dressing up. Burgers in yoga pants is more my style. Glad you guys had a good one!

    I love blue moon long time.

  5. Whiskey does help w all period pain...



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