twas the night before christmas, and all through the hizzle,
all the children were gorged on goodies bought at the stizzle.
the stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
saw snowflake pj's at target, and we all got a pair.
we been gettin our christmas eve on to the max up in heah:
christmas eve supper
hot chocolate bar with all the toppings
christmas cocktails
a nice round of 'would you rather'
a little crochet action
just finished watching 'it's a wonderful life'
brody's had a busy day as well. he started by paying the consequences of treat overindulgence -
all of which he did not have permission to consume.
he 'paid the consequence' while we were eating breakfast. yep.
bounced back with the quickness, though. got his bath on - nice & shiny, smellin fresh as a daisy.
he got a little wound up while we were havin' game time. wound up as in doin' laps, divin' into the game spinner, throwin' himself onto people's laps.
the whole family here at one time?! it's just too much for the poor guy to handle.
eventually {14 hours later} he was able to bring it back down to earth.
love my bobo.
i hope santa is bringing goodies for his stocking too!
Happy Birthday Jesus!

Merry Christmas, Shug!! XO
merry christmas and happy new year, beth!
I love the matching Christmas pajamas!! xoxo, eliza
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