28 March 2013

sh%t southern women say - rounds 2 & 3

they made a second and third episode, y'all.
obviously, some of these sayin's are regional. and not all southern accents are the same, but i dig it. me & the brunette could be friends.
here's the first one if you missed it.

y'all come on n go wit us.
{i used to think it was so weird to invite people to go with you after a visit, 
and rude for them to always decline.}



  1. Love these - hilarious! As a southern woman, I can totally make fun without feeling guilty haha

  2. I loved the first one and the next two are just as good! I say almost all of these all the time!

  3. I watched these pretty soon after moving to NC and laughed my butt off!!!

  4. how did I not know there were 2 more??? The 3rd is definitely my favorite by far. oh my gosh- just too true and funny!

  5. this has been the best part of my day, there are 2 more!!! I'm not sure which one I love more.

  6. Somebody in the south would definitely try to monogram a thong.

    These are hilarious.

  7. hahaha I hadn't seen episode 3 yet so this post is perfect!


Speak on it.