04 August 2011

I Heart You, Matt Damon

Today, I ventured over to see what Kim at Yep, They Are All Mine was up to, and I felt inspired ... if you haven't visited with her before, I suggest you go now. Her blog can quickly and easily become a new daily addiction for you. 

 You see, I found a little tidbit of Matt Damon magic over there on her page, and I just wanted to share with my fellow reader pies too -


Just in case you needed another reason to love Matt Damon ...

So there. You tell 'em, shug! 

*General problem with our country: People makin' decisions bout mess they know NOTHING about. 

Tha's all. 



kim {the non-mom blogger} said...

LOVE it. Thanks for sharing (and for the shout out).

Christi said...

amen. bad decisions by people who don't know squat or think they know everything and just keep messing it up!