15 December 2011

what is a paycheck to you?

i'm feelin froggy tonight, and i'm going to write in all lowercase. love it or leave it. (it kinda bothers me, but i do it anyway because i also kinda like it. so rebellious, right?)

i was talkin to the hubs tonight about scrilla. (i know - we are the only married couple who ever discusses money)

anyhoo, the question came up, "don't you like getting a (guaranteed) paycheck?"

and i realized this ... i have to have a paycheck to survive, i never even see them, they are direct deposited ... it's never any bigger or smaller ... it's just a means of living
i don't care how big or small it is ... i just know when i have what i need and when i don't ... and so far, the Lord has never let me need for anything He didn't provide ...

i was also at a coworker's retirement party tonight, thinking how she clearly did what she was called to do. she is the definition of .... a model for others ... a mentor ... SO GOOD at what she does everyday ... comes so naturally to her ... endlessly patient ... always positive .... always believing ...

it made me think even more about what i love and what i want ...

i want to get better at knitting
i want to get lots of practice at photography
i want more time to do SMALL quilting projects that i won't abandon
i want to blog HONESTLY
i want to take care of my child
i want to take care of my husband
i want to take care of my health
i want to honor the Lord in what i do
i want to teach my kids (they don't exist yet) to do the same
i want to make other people smile and laugh
i want to make the most of life, not just float drag through it

i'm very blessed. each and every single second of every day. but these are just things that make my heart excited when i think about them ... what do you want?


1 comment:

Denise Pacurar said...

Hey hun! Yes, the boots in my post are from Target but from Last winter! They may have them again? They were only $30.00!

As for your post, isn't it amazing how the Lord provides!? I'm so thankful that he has never let me down and has provided me with my needs. Maybe not EVERYTHING I want, but enough to have my needs met :) He is good!

